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An Overview of Oregon’s Psilocybin Administration Processes

A logo from Clinical Cognitive Training an Oregon Psilocybin and Psychedelic Training ProgramA logo from Clinical Cognitive Training an Oregon Psilocybin and Psychedelic Training ProgramA logo from Clinical Cognitive Training an Oregon Psilocybin and Psychedelic Training Program
July 6, 2023
Table of Contents

Oregon became the first state to legalize the administration of psilocybin when the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act was voted into law in November 2020.

Since then, The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has heavily regulated psilocybin products and the provision of psilocybin services.

Still, many Oregonians —especially those interested in becoming a psilocybin facilitator  — want to be sure there is a safe and responsible framework in place for administering mushrooms.

Keep reading as we explore the types of psilocybin licenses in Oregon and what the process for administering psilocybin looks like from both the facilitator and client’s perspective.

The Four Types of Psilocybin Licenses in Oregon

Every step in the psilocybin services process is heavily controlled under licensing and regulatory framework to ensure consistency and safety.

Different species of mushrooms can produce very different experiences. Under Oregon law, only psilocybe cubensis mushrooms are approved for psilocybin products.  

Oregon law also requires the state to issue four psilocybin license types:

  1. A manufacturer license is required to cultivate and process psilocybin products.
  2. The psilocybin products are then sent to a laboratory holding the required laboratory license to test the products.
  3. Tested and approved psilocybin products are sold or transferred to a licensed service center where the products are sold to and consumed by clients in a supported setting.
  4. A licensed facilitator determines dosage and supports clients before, during, and after taking the psilocybin product.

On the leading edge of psychedelic training programs, Clinical Cognitive Training is among the first certified psilocybin facilitator training centers in the country.

We believe access to affordable and equitable psilocybin services begins with affordable education. At Clinical Cognitive Training, our training programs are designed to fit the needs of our students.

Contact us today to learn more.

What Does Oregon’s Process for Psilocybin Administration Look Like as a Facilitator?

As a licensed psilocybin facilitator, Oregon law dictates detailed requirements for every aspect of the psilocybin administration session.

A psilocybin facilitator has service responsibilities throughout the psilocybin process.

Before the administration session, the facilitator must conduct a preparation session with the client to:

  1. Determine if the client is an appropriate candidate to take psilocybin
  2. Review and complete the state-required paperwork
  3. Decide the dosage; and
  4. Discuss needs and expectations during and after the administration

During the administration session, the facilitator provides support and a safe space for the client to experience their journey.

After the administration session is complete, the facilitator follows up with the client to provide support within 72 hours.

The facilitator will also offer integration sessions to help process the session and offer additional community resources and peer-support networks.

Informed Consent and Client Information

The facilitator is required to obtain client information and informed consent forms and provide a copy of each to the client during the preparation session.

The state provides these forms to ensure the client understands and consents to the psilocybin services provided by the facilitator.

The facilitator must review the contents of each form with the client and offer the document in other languages or accessible formats if requested.

Safety and Support Plans

During the preparation meeting, the facilitator works with the client to make safety and support plans, including emergency contact information.

Together, the facilitator and client will identify the risks and challenges based on the client’s circumstances.

The safety and support plans will specify internal and external resources and support networks available to mitigate those risks and challenges.

Once the administration session has begun, the safety and support plans can not be changed.

Record Keeping and Client Confidentiality

A facilitator is required to create and keep records for every client.

In addition to the state-mandated client information and consent forms, the facilitator is required to document:

  • A transportation plan and any deviations from the plan
  • Safety and support plans
  • Details of the type and amount of psychedelic mushrooms consumed
  • Any adverse reactions requiring medical attention
  • The date, start, and end time for all preparation, administration, and integration sessions

All facilitators and service centers are required to keep these records confidential but must make them available to the client upon request.

Facilitator Conduct and Scope of Practice

Oregon law also mandates the conduct and scope of practice for a licensed facilitator.

These directives are meant to protect both the client and the facilitator.

If a licensed facilitator is providing psilocybin services to a client, they are only allowed to perform the services of a facilitator, even if they are professionally licensed in another field.

Most importantly, facilitators must put the client’s interest above their own and use a standard of care that other reasonable facilitators would use under similar circumstances.

Session Requirements

There are very strict session requirements each administration must adhere to.

A licensed facilitator must follow these rules explicitly to address every aspect, including:

  • Where the session may occur, including outdoor sessions
  • Who may be present
  • Group sessions
  • How the client may be monitored
  • Restroom breaks
  • How the facilitator may provide support

Consumption Limits

The OHA has set strict limits on the amount of psilocybin a certified facilitator can provide to a client during each session.

Under these consumption limits, a client may not take more than a total of 50 milligrams (mg) of psilocybin during one administration session, including a second dose taken during the same session.

If a client thinks they might want to take a second dose during the session, the facilitator must obtain written consent from the client before the beginning of the administration session and follow a strict set of rules.

Session Duration

As a licensed facilitator, the duration of each psilocybin administration session is determined by the OHA based on the total amount of psilocybin the client consumes during the session, including any secondary dose.

Each session can range from a minimum of one hour from the beginning of the initial administration session if consuming less than 2.5 mg of psilocybin, to a minimum of six hours for clients who have taken 35 to 50 mg of psilocybin.

After the minimum amount of time has passed, the facilitator consults with the client to determine whether it’s safe to conclude the administration session.

The licensed facilitator must keep a record of each session duration and submit it to OHA within a prescribed amount of time.

Licensed Premises

Every administration session must occur on licensed premises subject to strict regulations.

Premises licensed for the administration of psilocybin must adhere to rules regarding the location of the premises as well as:

  • Substances that may not exist in or near the interior and exterior areas
  • Other licenses the premises may not share; and
  • Other operations that may not be carried out on the premises

Additionally, some rules regulate the storage of the mushrooms.

The rules state psilocybin products must be stored on licensed premises inside an enclosed area with limited access.

The limited access area must be secured with a properly installed steel door with a steel frame, and a commercial-grade, non-residential lock.

The products can only be stored inside this limited access area inside a locked safe, refrigerator, or freezer.

What Does Oregon’s Process for Psilocybin Administration Look Like as a Client?

Generally, a client can expect most aspects of the process for psilocybin administration to be the same.

Every client will go through the following steps to using psilocybin services:

  1. Meet with a licensed facilitator for a preparation session to
  1. Provide client information
  2. Assess if psychedelic mushrooms are a suitable treatment
  3. Fill out the required paperwork
  4. Discuss what to expect before, during, and after an administration session
  5. Create safety, support, and transportation plans
  6. Schedule the administration session at a licensed service center
  1. Purchase the psilocybin product from the licensed service center at the administration session.
  2. Consume the psilocybin product in the presence but without the interference of the licensed facilitator.
  3. Receive support during the administration session from the licensed facilitator.
  4. Receive follow-up integration sessions after the administration session with the facilitator.

Even though there are strict laws governing how a licensed facilitator administers a psilocybin session, the session itself is still unique to each client.

The client will set intentions on the purpose of their session and what they wish to accomplish.

The facilitator is there to safely support the client through their journey without directing the client’s experience.

Become a Licensed Psilocybin Facilitator in Oregon With Clinical Cognitive Training

Oregon is at the forefront of offering psilocybin services to the general public and health officials have gone to great lengths to ensure the safety of both consumers and the public.

At Clinical Cognitive Training, we offer a training program that goes beyond fulfilling the exhaustive state compliance requirements.

Our trusted facilitators are specially trained to provide skilled, ethical, and compassionate support for clients through their journey, whether they are seeking:

  • Spiritual exploration
  • Healing from trauma
  • Relief from depression and anxiety; or
  • Increased creativity

Our educational program is rooted in respect for ancient cultures and traditions while utilizing leading psychological support methods.

Help people find healing and restoration in a clinically focused, culturally respectful, and ethically responsible way.

Contact us for more information.

The content in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.